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Stories of Struggle and SUCCESS


I'm so THANKFUL she keeps me accountable, she understands the struggles...

My name is Lindsi McDaniel and I am 39 years old and I have always struggled with my weight. I don't remember a time when I wasn’t the chubby kid or the chunky girl. I can vividly remember at the age of 10 being weighed for the volleyball team I was 5’4 and 212 lbs. I don't ever remember a time I was less than 200 lbs. I tried almost every program or diet there was and I was able to maintain 219 for the majority of my twenties. I reached an all-time high of 272 when I was 30 years old. 

 I reached an all-time high of 272 when I was 30 years old. I was grieving the death of my boyfriend And life had hit an all-time low at that point. I didn’t care about my weight or my health. I made horrible decisions that felt comforting at the moment. It wasn’t until about 4 years later sitting at 265 that I really decided something had to change and I have been able to make better choices since. I had some health issues that were coming to light and it was all related to poor eating habits. My feet were in Excruciating pain, constant burning and stabbing pains and I knew I was headed toward diabetes but I didn’t want to fully accept that. I went to so many doctors who really didn’t address the root issue just prescribed more medicine until I was on the typical regimen of cholesterol, blood pressure, and diabetes medicine and my pain were still present I had managed to get down to about 220 at this time but it wasn’t enough my pain was still there my eating habits although better was still not healing my body.


I met Kristi Ross in early 2020 through another one of my doctors and I mentioned my triglycerides. She told me it was fixable and that when I was ready she could help so in august of 2020 I decided I was done being conventional. I was done living by the clock of taking my medicine and I jumped in. Within 2 months of eating healthy whole non processed food, I was off all my medication and my pain had decreased significantly. I was able to be more active and by 3 1/2 months in I had lost another 25 lbs.

I’m so thankful that she keeps me accountable, she understands the struggles, every day she is there to encourage and help guide me closer to my goals. At the end of the day all I wanted was to be able to function without being controlled by health limitations and what I got was so much more.

*Shared with patient permission.

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